Camera Calibration Profiles For Capture One – Public Beta | Camera Profiles | Capture One Profiles
If you are into photography and post-production, you most likely know about the ability to create camera profiles and use custom color corrections to calibrate your camera’s color output to a standard. Camera Calibration Profiles For Capture One Users.
Interview For The Fashion Photography Podcast On Retouching
After Working as a retoucher for quite some time now, I was given the opportunity to talk about getting into retouching, the craft and the future of retouching in an interview for The Fashion Photography Podcast. The 3 part series contains tons of information about the retouching industry and running a business.
Adobe Photoshop 2019 Blend Mode Bugs
Beware the update! Photoshop CC 2019 has been released and it does not come without bugs. When, however, everyday tools do not behave the way they should, we should pay very close attention!
All Things Adobe Photoshop CC 2019 & New Features
Here is everything you need to know about Photoshop CC 2019, its new features, flaws, and bugs but also where it will be going in the future.
Top 5 Photoshop CC 2019 New Features & Things To Be Aware Of
Even if you usually are the person that does not care that much about every update, you should pay attention to this one. Adobe has just released a new version: Photoshop CC2019 or Photoshop v.20. With it comes a bunch of changes of shortcuts and changes in the way everyday tools behave. Here is what you want to know before getting started with Photoshop CC 2019
TOP 5 Photoshop CC 2018 New Features
The latest Photoshop update to CC 2018 is around now for a while. We have analyzed its new features and will share which ones we think are the most useful of all the new Photoshop CC 2018 features.